Initial reactions to the Oscar Nominations

Now that the Oscar nominations have been announced, I'm surprised by some of the nominations, both good and bad. Here are few I would like to point out:

1) Christopher Nolan (Director) - This is the biggest snub in my opinion. The fact that he was able to have four story lines going on at once and have it all work is astounding. I believe he should not only be nominated but should also win. I don't see why David O. Russell deserved a nomination over Nolan.

2) Danny Boyle (Director) - He was able to make a movie about a guy with his arm stuck exciting and interesting. Some of the most memorable camera angles used this year (straw camera and inside the arm camera).

3) Daft Punk (Score) - While I watched Tron Legacy, I found myself missing the music when it wasn't playing. When it was, it felt like a music video. 

4) Andrew Garfield (Supporting actor) - He provided the passion and emotion the film needed since the Zuckerberg character was so cold and emotionless. He did a great job and deserved a nomination.

5) The Social Network (Visual Effects) - The single best special effect this year was the twins from the Social Network. Most people don't even know that it was played by one person. The best effects are ones that you don't notice.

I do think there were some pleasant suprises:

1) How to Train You Dragon (Score) - A fantastic classic style score in a field or electronic and alternative scores. 

2) Coen Brothers (Direction) - They haven't received much recognition for one of the best westerns in years.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the nominations, although it is easier when they can nominate 10 films for best picture. I have a couple of films to see before the Oscars air, like Blue Valentine and a couple of the documentaries. Congratulations to the nominees this year. Let's just hope they don't screw up who wins.